Privacy Policy

  • Items of Personal Information to Be Collected

    GroundK collects the following personal information for the purposes of membership subscription, consultation, and application for services.

    ① GroundK collects the personal information on-line that is required to provide services when customers subscribe for membership for the use and consultation for membership services.

    ② Also, GroundK receives the selective information that customers themselves have entered, in order to provide quality services suitable to the particular tastes and needs of each customer. Even where a customer does not enter any selective information, there is no restriction on the use of services.

    ③ The Scope of Personal Information Collected for Membership Subscription

    - Required Information: names, IDs, passwords, addresses, contact information (telephone numbers or mobile phone numbers), e-mails addresses and any other matter that the company finds necessary.

    ④ GroundK may collect the following information as it is created through use of the services or during business processing.

    - Service use records, access log-ins, cookies, access IP information, payment records, use discontinuance records.

  • Personal Information Collection Method

    - Subscription to membership through the homepage, written forms, telephone numbers, fax numbers, consultation notices, applications for giveaways, or requests for delivery.
    - Provisions by affiliated companies.
    - Collection using the created information collection tools.

  • Collection and Use Purpose of Personal Information

    ① GroundK collects personal information for the following purposes and uses the collected personal information for such purposes:

    [ID Confirmation and Membership Control for Use of the Membership Services]
    To identify individuals, prevent wrongful use by substandard members, prevent unauthorized use, confirm the intent of subscription, subscribe to membership and restrict the number of times a person can subscribe as a member, confirm the existence of consent by a legal representative when the personal information of children under the age of 14 is collected, confirm the ID of a legal representative afterwards, retain records for dispute resolution, process civil petitions including grievances, give the latest information including notifications, give information on service change processing, and provide communications channels for customers.

    [Application to Marketing and Advertisements]
    To develop and specialize in new services (products), provide services and place advertisements according to demographic characteristics, figure out access frequencies, convey advertising information including statistics and events based on members’ use of the services, and to provide information relating to giveaways.

    ② GroundK does not collect sensitive personal information that is likely to infringe upon customers’ fundamental human rights. (including race and ethnicity, ideas and credo, origin and legal domiciles, political disposition and criminal records, health condition and sexual activities)

    ③ However, please be informed that the "Personal Information Handling Policy" of GroundK is not applicable with respect to the personal information collecting activities of the websites linked to GroundK.

  • Provisions of Collected Personal Information to Third Parties

    ① GroundK provides the following personal information of customers in order to provide higher quality services to customers.

    - Member IDs, names, e-mail addresses, cellular phone Nos., addresses, subscription dates
    - To : Affiliate Company
    - The purpose of using provided information: taxi reservation services for foreign visitors.
    - Retention and use period of provided information: until the services have been provided in full.

    ② Except for the above cases, GroundK uses customers’ personal information within the scope notified in the 「Collection and Use Purpose of Personal Information」, and does not use or provide its customers’ personal information to others or other institutions in excess of the scope. provided, however, that GroundK may use or provide personal information in the event that a customer consents to such a disclosure or in the following events.

    [Affiliation Relationship]
    In order to provide better services, GroundK may provide or share with its affiliated companies its customers’ personal information. In providing or sharing customers’ personal information, GroundK passes procedures for obtaining their individual consents by giving, by e-mail or in writing, the prior notices as to who the affiliated company is, what specific items of personal information are provided or shared, why such personal information is provided or shared, and until when and how such personal information is protected and controlled. GroundK does not provide or share with its affiliated company the personal information of one of its customers if the customer does not consent to such. GroundK gives such a notice or seek such a consent with the same procedures where there is a change in the affiliation relationship or the affiliation relationship ends.

    [Processing by Commission]
    In order to properly handle the relevant matters, where GroundK commissions a company to handle customers’ personal information, we will give prior notice, in detail, as to the name of the particular commissioner, the scope of the personal information commissioned, the purpose of the commission, etc.

    [Sales, Mergers & Acquisitions]
    Where a service provider’s rights and obligations have been completely succeeded or transferred, GroundK will at any time give prior notice in detail as to the reasonable cause and procedure. It will also allow customers to consent or withdraw with respect to their personal information.

    ③ As to the notification and consent methods, through the notifications that appear on the first screen of the on-line homepage, at least seven (7) days’ prior notices will be sent. Such notifications will be given individually, more than once, by e-mail, etc. With respect to sales or mergers and acquisitions, GroundK must comply with the procedures through the use of positive consent methods (directly expressing one’s intent to provide or share with a third party one’s personal information).

    ④ In the following exceptional cases, GroundK is allowed to provide customers’ personal information.

    - Where there is a request from the relevant authorities for the purpose of an investigation under the relevant laws.
    - Where personal information has been provided to advertisers, cooperating companies, or research institutes in the form in which individuals cannot be discerned for the purpose of statistical compilations, research studies, or market examinations.
    - Where there is any other request for a procedure as set forth under the relevant laws.

  • Commissioning Collected Personal Information

    ① For the purpose of providing services, GroundK commissions outside professional companies to handle personal information as follows.

    - Manage by GroundK
    - Commissions: to manage the homepage reservation and data base

    ② Other than the above cases, GroundK does not commission outside companies to handle customers’ personal information without the consent of its customers. Where it becomes necessary to do so in the future, GroundK will notify its customers of the persons for which a particular commission is being sought and the commissions and will obtain the prior consent of the customers if it is necessary to do so.

  • Retention and Use Period of Collected Personal Information

    While a customer as a member receives the provided services, GroundK uses customers’ personal information. provided, however, that where a customer has withdrawn from membership, or requested any deletion or destruction of their personal information, or completed the purpose of collecting the above mentioned personal information, then, upon completion of the retention and use period consented when the personal information is collected , or upon the discontinuance of business, GroundK destroys the personal information without delay. provided, however, that the following information will be retained during the period specified for the following reasons.

    [Reasons for Information Retention under Internal Policy]
    - Records of member IDs and contracts or withdrawals from offers, records of the supply of goods, or records of consumers’ complaints or dispute resolutions.
    - Retention reasons: when a customer is damaged as a result of payments with affiliated institutions or the stealing of passwords, to recover the damages to settle transaction payments or mileages or to prepare for any other necessary cases, including lawsuits or disputes.
    - Retention Period: five (5) years.

  • Procedure and Method for the Destruction of Personal Information

    In general, having completed the collection and use of personal information, GroundK destroys the relevant information without delay. The procedures and methods of destruction are as follows.

    [Procedure for Destruction]
    The information and back-up files collected and created during the use of collected information and services a customer has entered for membership subscription will be destroyed after upon completion of their purposes. However, they are retained for a certain period of time according to information protection reasons under the internal policies and any other relevant laws (see the retention and use period). Personal information is not used for purposes other than the retention purpose unless so required under the relevant laws.

    [Methods for Destruction]
    Personal information printed out on paper is pulverized with a pulverizer or destroyed by incineration, and personal information stored as electronic files is deleted by the use of technical methods in which records cannot be recycled.

  • Rights of Customers and Legal Representatives, Methods to Exercise Rights

    ① Customers may at any time inquire or change their registered personal information and also may request termination of their membership.

    ② Customers may directly read and correct their personal information or withdraw from their membership after passing the confirmation procedures by clicking "Change of Personal Information" (or "Correction of Member Information") to make an inquiry about or correct their personal information or clicking "Member Withdrawal" to terminate their subscriptions (withdrawing their consent). Otherwise, if customers give notice in writing, call or e-mail to the personal information manager, GroundK will take the appropriate measures without delay.

    ③ Where a customer has requested correction of mistakes in their personal information, GroundK does not use or provide their personal information until the correction has been completed. Also, where any mistaken personal information has been already provided to a third party, GroundK will make the corrections by giving the correction results to a third party.

    ④ Personal information terminated or deleted upon request of a customer is handled as specified in the "Retention and Use Period of Personal Information" and is not to be read or used for any other purposes.

    ⑤ Customers should prevent unexpected accidents by accurately entering their most up to date personal information. Customers are responsible for any accidents incurred as a result of the inaccuracy of their entered information, and customers’ membership may be lost if they have entered any false information by stealing others’ information.

    ⑥ Customers not only have the right to receive protection for their personal information but also the obligation to protect themselves and not to infringe upon others’ information. Customers should take precaution to ensure that their personal information is not disclosed and take care not to damage others’ personal information, including notices. If a customer has damaged others’ information by failing to perform their responsibilities, they may be punished under the 『Act Relating to Information Communications Network Use Promotion and Information Protection』.

  • Setting, Management of and Rejection of Personal Information Automatic Collection Apparatus

    ① GroundK sets up and manages apparatus that automatically collect personal information, such as a cookies, which frequently save and find customers’ information. A cookie is a very small text file that a server used to operate the web site of GroundK sends to customers’ browsers, which is then saved on customers’ computer hard disks. GroundK uses cookies for the following purposes.

    [Purpose of Using Cookies]
    Analyzing the access frequencies of members and nonmembers or the visiting hours understanding customers’ dispositions and interested fields and tracing tracks providing targeted marketing and individually customized services by figuring out the extent of various event participations and the number of visits.

    ② Customers have the option to have a cookie set up. Therefore, a customer may allow all cookies by setting up an option in their web browser, passing the confirmation procedures whenever cookies are saved, or otherwise rejecting the saving of all cookies.

    [Method to Reject the Setting of Cookies]
    As to the method to reject the setting of a cookie, a customer may allow all cookies by setting up an option in their web browser, passing the confirmation procedures whenever cookies are saved, or otherwise rejecting the saving of all cookies.
    Setting Method (for Internet Explorer): on the top of the web browser, please choose Tools > Internet Options > Personal Information.

    ③ However, where a customer has rejected the setting of a cookie, it may be difficult to provide services.

  • Technical and Management Measures for the Protection of Personal Information

    ① GroundK takes the following technical measures for securing safeness in order to ensure that personal information is not lost, stolen, disclosed, altered or damaged during the handing customers’ personal information.

    - GroundK does its best to prevent customers’ personal information from being disclosed or damaged by hacking or computer viruses. GroundK frequently backs up materials in preparation for any damages of personal information, takes precautions to ensure that customers’ personal information or materials are not disclosed or damaged by using the latest vaccine programs, and safely transmits personal information on networks using code algorithm. Also GroundK controls unauthorized access from the outside by using firewall systems, and makes every effort to use the latest software and hardware to ensure the highest level of system security.
    - GroundK restricts the handling of customers’ personal information to a particular manager, and for this purpose grants separate passwords and regularly renew the passwords, and at any time stresses out compliance with personal information handling policy by frequently educating the manager. Also, should a problem arise following the verification of the personal information protection policies and compliance by the manager, GroundK will make every effort to immediately correct the problem and put things right.

    ② The customers’ personal information is thoroughly protected by passwords. Only a customer himself or herself knows their password and customer ID for GroundK, and thus only the customer may confirm and change their personal information. Therefore, customers should not let any other person know of their password. For this purpose, GroundK advises its customers to log out from the site and close the web browser when they have completed their on-line activities. In particular, where a customer shares a PC with others or uses a PC in a public place (such as companies, schools, libraries, Internet game rooms, etc.), the above procedures are much more necessary to prevent personal information being stolen by others.

    ③ However, GroundK does not take any responsibility for problems that arise when personal information, such as IDs and passwords, has been disclosed due to a customer’s carelessness or problems on the Internet.

  • Personal Information Manager

    GroundK designates the relevant departments and personal information mangers in order to protect customers’ personal information and handles complaints relating to personal information as follows.

    [Personal Information Manager]
    - Name : Jang, Dong Won
    - Tel : 02-863-3540
    - E-mail :

    Customers may direct to the personal information manager or relevant department any personal information protection related civil petition that may arise during the use of the services provided by GroundK. The company will give prompt and sufficient answers to all reports submitted by customers.